Tuesday 10 December 2013

Ag Day

On the 16th October 2013 Te Pahu School had an Ag day which is when students have to ether bring up an animal e.g lamb, calf or goat, (I did a lamb) and then show them off or they did an alternative challenge, which is when you have to build something e.g 3d model, a letter box, portable garden, sand pit design, or do a tree stump design. the people that did an alternative challenge also have to do a challenge at school e.g photography, designing cup cakes, designing t-shirts, or clay moddeling. my lamb doesn't like the wind so it wasn't a very good day for me because it was very windy! But I did better than some others, I got two 4ths and one 5th. I hope I do better next time!

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Ski Trip

On Friday 6th August 2013 room 7 went on a ski trip up Mt Ruapahu and it was a beautiful day no wind no clouds, it was great! and I hadn't skied before so it was all new for me as well as some of the others, my ski teacher was great he was lots of fun and he got every body skiing by the end of the two hours that we had with him. one of the funniest moments was when all of the people in my lesson had to go up the chair lift, but none of us knew how to get off so when we all got to the top we all just fall over one on top of the other, and get this we were all skiing or boarding in uor t-shirts! we all had a great day and I hope we go next year.

Thursday 22 August 2013

science fair

In term 2 room7 had a science fair and mine was on whitch bread goes mouldy first home made white or brown, supermarket white or brown and sour dough. So I named it Bread Show Down, and and they all went mouldy at about the same time accept the sour dough. I got 2nd place and now I'm going to the Waikato science fair.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Smelly Fish Hands

In term2 room7 have been doing science experiments and this is one of them.
Mr Marquand got hold of a big snapper for us to play with, and this is one of the experiments that we did with the fish!
We did this experiment to see what product gets the smell from the fish off the best. So we got seven people to smother their hands on the fish so that their hands were smelly, then they got given a product ( vinegar, soap, lemon juice, detergent, and just water.) to wash their hands in. Then the rest of the class had to smell their hands and mark down which was the best, my hypothesis was that the vinegar would work the best.
It turned out that lemon juice worked the best!  
 Then we buried the fish down the back of the back field so that we can dig it up in term 3.   

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Lake Karipiro Camp

In term1 room7 went to lake Karipiro for camp.
It was awesome! My favourite part was playing diamond hiest, and the disguised dinner and I got runners up!
the most challenging part was one of the walls at Extreme Edge, and the flying kiwi because they made me sing twinkle twinkile little star at the top because I swore!

Thursday 23 May 2013

Silage Stacking

In term1 Room 7 did silage stacking to raise some money for our class. The hardest part was trying to stay dry, but it taught us to work together and it was good fun! 

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Pencil Portrait

In term 1 room7 made pencil portraits, by cutting a photo in half so that we had to draw the other half. This was to teach us to shade dark and light and to try and make it look like a full picture, I like my hair, but I am not so happy with my eye, we have been working on eyes this term. here is my portrait.